Reform Group Takes Exception to NC DEQ Press Statement While Welcoming Another Advocacy Group to the Fight

Reform Group Files Federal Lawsuit under Clean Water Act Against the Largest Commercial Shrimp Trawling Companies and the State of North Carolina

MONDAY, MAY 18, 2020
Reform Group Files 60-Day Notice of Clean Water Act Lawsuit Against the Largest Commercial Shrimp Trawling Companies and the State of North Carolina (see below News Release to review full Notice of claim)
The below Notice of Claim has been served to the following defendants:
• NC Department of Environmental Quality, Bill Lane, General Counsel
• NC Division of Marine Fisheries, Stephen W. Murphey, Director
• Trawler Christine Ann, Inc., G. Christopher Fulcher, President / Steven L. Weeks, Registered Agent
• Capt. Gaston, LLC, Jonathan Brent Fulcher, Managing Member and Registered Agent
• Trawler Capt. Alfred, Inc, Carol G. Potter, President and Registered Agent
• The Trawler Blackbeard, Lee Bland Williams, Owner and Registered Agent
• Lady Samaira, Inc., Sammie E. Williams, President and Registered Agent
• Ester Joy, Inc., Glenn B. Cooke, President

NCCFRG Retains Legal Counsel
A new phase begins...
On February 20, 2020, NCCFRG retained Mr. James L. Conner, II, partner of Calhoun, Bhella & Sechrest. With offices in Durham, New York, Washington and Dallas, the firm has a focus on Environmental Law and Mr. Calhoun has a deep background in dozens of high-stakes environmental issues.
As we prepare for this next critical phase of our campaign for change, we will continue to provide updates via our website and social media.

Are They With Us?
Letters to the politicians go out!
On January 15, 2020, NCCFRG sent letters to every member of the NC General Assembly. We stated our case and asked for their response. Either they are with us or they are against making the changes necessary to fix the demise of our public resources. It's as simple as that! Stay tuned because we intend to publish names and email addresses for those that chose to ignore us or are just flat out against us, and chose to side with the abysmal status quo.

Awesome Meeting!
Close to 80 supporters showed up!
Special thanks to the Calypso VFD for
hosting a town hall-style meeting for NCCFRG on Jan. 9, 2020. With close to 80 in attendance, there was good food and great dialog surrounding our mission at NCCFRG. Folks are ready for change, and it showed! It's great to have spirited discussion about our public trust resources. Big thanks to all that attended and contributed - both financially and by sharing ideas and sharing our mission via social media. More to come!

WRAL Documentary
Net Effect
Commercial fishing is not only part of our state's economy, but also its heritage. So is recreational fishing, which has an economic impact on North Carolina that dwarfs that of commercial fishing.But many recreational fishermen complain that some of the tactics of commercial fishermen are catching too many fish and depleting what is a public trust resource that belongs to all North Carolinians.

N&O Op-Ed
The dark side to North Carolina’s fishing heritage
By David Steed
Plenty of colorful stories about our state’s heritage of commercial fishing are published on a regular basis across North Carolina throughout the year. But there is another side to the story about fresh, local seafood that no one wants to tell.